Join our events here!
By stimulating the body as well as the mind, we strive to create experiences that develop a greater connection with ourselves, those around us, and the world.
Our main event is every Wednesday at 7:30 pm, and features an intense yoga sweat session followed by a topic-based group discussion. We also host open community stretching & meditation sessions and educational workshops. Past workshops have included nutrition, goal setting and the ENNEAGRAM personality test.
All Body & Mind activities are meant to be an open platform for those that wish to share their passion with others. If you you’d like to lead a discussion, workshop or talk, feel free to let one of the organizers know!
Note: Event pages are usually posted several days in advance and can have limited capacity.
定期的に行われている活動として毎週水曜日のパワーヨガのクラスがあります。全身を動かして、汗をかいた後は週替わりのディスカッショントピックを元に多国籍の人たちと楽しく、学び多いディスカッションを用意しています。 それ以外にもストレッチや瞑想セッション、教育ワークショップなど様々なワークショップを不定期に開催しています。今まで開催したワークショップの例として、栄養学ワークショップやゴールセティングワークショップ、他には性格診断の一種Enneagramのワークショップも開催しました。
Body & Mindで開催されるすべての活動は誰もが参加し、自分の興味や専門分野をシェアできるオープンプラットフォームです。ディスカッションやワークショップは誰でもリードできるので興味ある方は担当者に気軽にお声がけください!
Yoga is an activity that develops the mind, body and spirit. “Yoga: Body & Mind” focuses on developing the body by combining yoga, HIIT calisthenics, and rhythmic cardio to upbeat music, then stimulates the mind through weekly topic-based group discussions.
If you’re looking for a yoga class that doubles as an intense sweat session (yes, there will be squats, push-ups, ab workouts, etc), and enjoy intellectual discussions with others, come join us!
Class fee: ¥1000 (Cash only, please put it in the collection box and write your name down on the paper upon arrival)
Mat rental: ¥108 cash (To be paid at the mat rental at the 9F front desk)
Studio Mission, Shibuya
7th floor, Room 702
Studio floor map:
Google Map:
7:15 – Recommended arrival time in order to rent a mat, change clothes and find the room.
7:20 – Room Opens
7:30 – Setup
7:35 – Yoga Starts
8:35 – Yoga Ends
8:50 – Group Discussions
9:25 – Clean-up & End
9:30 – Leave Room
ヨガは身体、心、と精神を統一させるものです。Yoga: Body & Mindのクラスは普通のヨガクラスとは一味違ってヨガの要素とリズム感あふれる音楽に有酸素運動(スクワットや筋トレ)などを加えて楽しくエクササイズをするクラスです。ヨガの後は週替わりのテーマを元にみんなとディスカッションをして脳もフル回転させ、SOGOに集まってくる多様な人たちと国境や人種を超えた話し合いをしましょう♪
7:15pm – 会場で着替えたり、マットレンタル
7:20pm – スタジオオープン
7:35pm – ヨガスタート!
8:35pm – ヨガ終了
8:50pm – ディスカッションスタート!
9:25pm – ディスカッション終了
9:30pm – 部屋退出
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Miyu is a great yoga teacher from California who pushes you to overcome your limits. Her powerful yoga class is designed both to relax and dynamize your body. The music she uses to support her class play a big role in making her lesson a pleasant journey. Join Miyu yoga if you want to energize your body with good vibes and leave refresh.
There hasn’t been a single yoga session with Miyu that I haven’t enjoyed. The class is beginner friendly but still leaves veteran yogis feeling satisfied. A combination of vinyasa and light calisthenics; a great way to increase flexibility and joint mobility on your recovery days from the gym or sports. Plus it’s affordable. Good luck finding a better class in Tokyo at this price.
“There are almost no words to describe the experience I have when I attend Miyu’s SOGO yoga class… likely because she defies an earthly existence. My first ever yoga class and my first ever yoga instructor. I might be a yoga amateur but I found a perfect match through her class. Abs exercises, squats, push-ups amongst other body weight exercises she incorporates during the course of each yoga session is what makes her yoga class different and challenging from other yoga classes. Absolutely PERFECT.
I also appreciate how she paces the class, it’s not too slow, and not too fast, and I always get a good sweat on. She is sure to warm us up in the beginning of class and cool us down as well. And I really love her calming voice…